Over the last year, I have served as a volunteer for BAYarts. I have had the privilege of assisting BAYarts instructors Andrea Serafino, Audra Costello, Amy Morgenstern, and Kathy Winzig with children’s programming. These amazing professionals work with young children as they practice imagination and experimentation in inventing new ways to create art
It has been such a pleasure to help these little artists and witness the creation of their wonderful works. Art gives children a means to communicate. It’s a powerful language through which they can create ideas and explore who they are.
I first learned about BAYarts many years ago when my grandchildren were very young and participated in classes. Those early learning experiences gave them a foundation for art appreciation, visual analysis, imagination, and creativity that has extended well beyond their early years. Now retired, I am delighted to be able to be a part of BAYarts’ efforts to engage children in the world of art. It is SO MUCH FUN!

BAYarts thanks Karen and all our dedicated education volunteers for their important role in our children’s art programs.