- Jul 08 2016 - Aug 06 2016
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- All Day
Artist Sarah Sedwick celebrates the simple beauty of the every day. Sedwick’s still-life paintings explore the possibility inherent in objects when they are truly lived with and seen. The paintings are derived from direct observation, all prima, completed over the course of consecutive days while the paint is still wet.
Artist Statement
I paint in gratitude for the simple beauty of the everyday. In still life, I explore the possibility inherent in objects when they are truly lived with and seen. I paint from direct observation, alla prima, so these pieces are made over the course of consecutive days, while the paint is still wet.
I’m fascinated by color, and that’s where most of my paintings begin – with an inspiring color combination, or a grouping of objects that catch my eye with the way their colors interact.
In the midst of all this color, many of my recent works have included white objects. Their passages of white, closely examined, can reveal a subtle rainbow of hues. The many nuances of color, the way light bounces around within a grouping of simple objects – continue to inspire me.

The Color of Light
- Jul 08 2016 - Aug 06 2016
- Expired!
- All Day
Artist Sarah Sedwick celebrates the simple beauty of the every day. Sedwick’s still-life paintings explore the possibility inherent in objects when they are truly lived with and seen. The paintings are derived from direct observation, all prima, completed over the course of consecutive days while the paint is still wet.
Artist Statement
I paint in gratitude for the simple beauty of the everyday. In still life, I explore the possibility inherent in objects when they are truly lived with and seen. I paint from direct observation, alla prima, so these pieces are made over the course of consecutive days, while the paint is still wet.
I’m fascinated by color, and that’s where most of my paintings begin – with an inspiring color combination, or a grouping of objects that catch my eye with the way their colors interact.
In the midst of all this color, many of my recent works have included white objects. Their passages of white, closely examined, can reveal a subtle rainbow of hues. The many nuances of color, the way light bounces around within a grouping of simple objects – continue to inspire me.
Sarah Sedwick