- Aug 12 2016 - Sep 16 2016
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- All Day
Artist Dean Shaffer examines the natural order revealed through the process of studying the connections of visual elements. Shaffer’s paintings represent an attempt to discover and understand better, by means of direct experience of seeing, these connections.
Artist Statement
I am guided only by active attempt to see, without pre-conceived thoughts about what should be the visual situation in front of me. How to be true to my experience? Any thoughts about technique, personal expression, originality, subject matter or art disappear. What remains is simply a search for order and a need for clarity.

Studies from Direct Observation
- Aug 12 2016 - Sep 16 2016
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- All Day
Artist Dean Shaffer examines the natural order revealed through the process of studying the connections of visual elements. Shaffer’s paintings represent an attempt to discover and understand better, by means of direct experience of seeing, these connections.
Artist Statement
I am guided only by active attempt to see, without pre-conceived thoughts about what should be the visual situation in front of me. How to be true to my experience? Any thoughts about technique, personal expression, originality, subject matter or art disappear. What remains is simply a search for order and a need for clarity.
Dean Shaffer