- Jun 10 2022 - Aug 06 2022
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- All Day
A lifelong sailor on Lake Erie, Robert Wagner is an oil painter who derives his inspiration from being on the water. This series of paintings focuses on Huntington Beach and Huntington Reservation. Wagner uses scenes from his photographs to capture the power and beauty of the natural landscape right in our own backyard.
Robert Wagner
A lifelong sailor on Lake Erie, Robert Wagner is an oil painter who derives his inspiration from being on the water.

Scenes from Huntington
- Jun 10 2022 - Aug 06 2022
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- All Day
A lifelong sailor on Lake Erie, Robert Wagner is an oil painter who derives his inspiration from being on the water. This series of paintings focuses on Huntington Beach and Huntington Reservation. Wagner uses scenes from his photographs to capture the power and beauty of the natural landscape right in our own backyard.
Robert Wagner
A lifelong sailor on Lake Erie, Robert Wagner is an oil painter who derives his inspiration from being on the water.