- Jun 07 2019 - Jul 06 2019
- Expired!
- All Day
Timothy Herron is an accomplished portrait and figurative artist in addition to being a skilled Plein Air painter. This body of work showcases Herron’s Urban landscapes which often include added fiction and urban buildings not often included in traditional Plein Air painting. Herron leads a group of artists called the Pretentious Cleveland Portrait artists The group meets on Friday evenings so we have planned a separate reception for you to meet the artist on Thursday, June 20th at 7PM during our Farm and Art Market.

Plain Err – The Urban Landscapes of Timothy Herron
- Jun 07 2019 - Jul 06 2019
- Expired!
- All Day
Timothy Herron is an accomplished portrait and figurative artist in addition to being a skilled Plein Air painter. This body of work showcases Herron’s Urban landscapes which often include added fiction and urban buildings not often included in traditional Plein Air painting. Herron leads a group of artists called the Pretentious Cleveland Portrait artists The group meets on Friday evenings so we have planned a separate reception for you to meet the artist on Thursday, June 20th at 7PM during our Farm and Art Market.
Timothy Herron