- Jun 03 2016 - Jul 02 2016
- Expired!
- All Day
Artist Suzan Kraus tells a story about paper and its ability to convey subtle, symbolic messages. Kraus uses various elements including handmade papers and paint colors in combination to convey a larger view once they are assembled. The visual abstract narratives are reflections of personal thoughts and feelings looking inward and outward.
Artist Statement
I feel that just like life, doing art is a journey of discovery. Each piece of work that I get involved in is a metaphorical symbol of where I am mentally, physically and spiritually in my process of coming to awareness. By mixing the media and creating various layers I am able to convey subtle sensitivities that would normally not be evident in a flat painting. The layers give emotional depth. Working intuitively, always thinking in the potential, I find that accidents can impart a special subtle life and breath to a concept. Using papers that come from around the world not only helps me to construct a unique design that sparks interest and creates texture, it also represents my connection to the bigger universal picture of life everywhere.

- Jun 03 2016 - Jul 02 2016
- Expired!
- All Day
Artist Suzan Kraus tells a story about paper and its ability to convey subtle, symbolic messages. Kraus uses various elements including handmade papers and paint colors in combination to convey a larger view once they are assembled. The visual abstract narratives are reflections of personal thoughts and feelings looking inward and outward.
Artist Statement
I feel that just like life, doing art is a journey of discovery. Each piece of work that I get involved in is a metaphorical symbol of where I am mentally, physically and spiritually in my process of coming to awareness. By mixing the media and creating various layers I am able to convey subtle sensitivities that would normally not be evident in a flat painting. The layers give emotional depth. Working intuitively, always thinking in the potential, I find that accidents can impart a special subtle life and breath to a concept. Using papers that come from around the world not only helps me to construct a unique design that sparks interest and creates texture, it also represents my connection to the bigger universal picture of life everywhere.
Suzan Kraus