- Jul 13 2018 - Aug 04 2018
- Expired!
- All Day
Artists in Bloom Ministry teaches people the grammar to engage in image making, and become connected with others in a supported community and create art. The objective is to fill a void that the secular world has created by giving people a new language, a new means of expression that is purposeful and autobiographical. The group is comprised of people of all faiths and backgrounds and helps those in search of meaning discover the spiritual and restorative nature of creating art.
“This exhibit of our work is primarily based on our reflection and response the global humanitarian crisis in our midst.”
Virginia Maloof -Cascarilla is the founder of Artists in, (a not for profit group) where she serves as guide and mentor. Their interfaith community of Artists hail from India, Iraq, Syria and the USA. To find out more about them go to You can find out more about Virginia at

Paintings of Compassion: Artists in Bloom Ministry
- Jul 13 2018 - Aug 04 2018
- Expired!
- All Day
Artists in Bloom Ministry teaches people the grammar to engage in image making, and become connected with others in a supported community and create art. The objective is to fill a void that the secular world has created by giving people a new language, a new means of expression that is purposeful and autobiographical. The group is comprised of people of all faiths and backgrounds and helps those in search of meaning discover the spiritual and restorative nature of creating art.
“This exhibit of our work is primarily based on our reflection and response the global humanitarian crisis in our midst.”
Virginia Maloof -Cascarilla is the founder of Artists in, (a not for profit group) where she serves as guide and mentor. Their interfaith community of Artists hail from India, Iraq, Syria and the USA. To find out more about them go to You can find out more about Virginia at