- Jul 14 2017 - Aug 05 2017
- Expired!
- All Day
Local Artists and friends of BAYarts share the artwork, photographs, and souvenirs of their travel to Cuba. This show celebrates the culture and history of this unique place.
Cuban artist Augusto C. Bordelois has been recognized in Cuba and in the United States for his paintings, sculpture, ceramics and costume design, participating in more than 150 national and international group and solo exhibitions. This show will explore how Cuban artists living outside Cuba express their Cuban heritage, their nostalgia, their dreams, their past, their realities and their spiritual, political, physical and geographical relationship with the island.
My Cuban Experience
- Jul 14 2017 - Aug 05 2017
- Expired!
- All Day
Local Artists and friends of BAYarts share the artwork, photographs, and souvenirs of their travel to Cuba. This show celebrates the culture and history of this unique place.
Cuban artist Augusto C. Bordelois has been recognized in Cuba and in the United States for his paintings, sculpture, ceramics and costume design, participating in more than 150 national and international group and solo exhibitions. This show will explore how Cuban artists living outside Cuba express their Cuban heritage, their nostalgia, their dreams, their past, their realities and their spiritual, political, physical and geographical relationship with the island.