- Oct 13 2023 - Nov 04 2023
- Expired!
In his solo exhibition, Chiaroscuros, Michael Adams leaves behind the traditional methods of printmaking to explore the world of digital or new media printmaking. With an intimate knowledge of presses, inks, tarlatan, and solvents, Adams developed layers of texture to create different aquatint and mezzotint effects on a computer, just as one would on a zinc plate with acid. The merging of traditional printmaking techniques with Adams’ digital skill produces a hypnotic body of work that breaks free from the constraints of realism and into the realm of imagination and emotion.
Michael Adams
Opening Reception October 13, 5-8 PM
- 5p - 8p
- Opening Reception
- October 13
Michael Adams

Michael Adams: Chiaroscuros
- Oct 13 2023 - Nov 04 2023
- Expired!
In his solo exhibition, Chiaroscuros, Michael Adams leaves behind the traditional methods of printmaking to explore the world of digital or new media printmaking. With an intimate knowledge of presses, inks, tarlatan, and solvents, Adams developed layers of texture to create different aquatint and mezzotint effects on a computer, just as one would on a zinc plate with acid. The merging of traditional printmaking techniques with Adams’ digital skill produces a hypnotic body of work that breaks free from the constraints of realism and into the realm of imagination and emotion.
Michael Adams
Opening Reception October 13, 5-8 PM
- 5p - 8p
- Opening Reception
- October 13
Michael Adams