- Feb 10 2023 - Mar 03 2023
- Expired!
Karen D. Beckwith has a keen interest in “place”, where people live and how they exist. Her recent travels to Taiwan, which has become her home away from home, continue to pique her interest in this type of investigation. In this body of work the neighborhoods of Cleveland are explored, examined, and documented. Beckwith’s medium of choice is printmaking, which allows her to build up layers of information, create textures and share the intricacies of her observations.
Karen D. Beckwith
Opening Reception February 10
- 5p - 8p
- Opening Reception

Karen D. Beckwith: Trace Evidence: Observations of Place
- Feb 10 2023 - Mar 03 2023
- Expired!
Karen D. Beckwith has a keen interest in “place”, where people live and how they exist. Her recent travels to Taiwan, which has become her home away from home, continue to pique her interest in this type of investigation. In this body of work the neighborhoods of Cleveland are explored, examined, and documented. Beckwith’s medium of choice is printmaking, which allows her to build up layers of information, create textures and share the intricacies of her observations.
Karen D. Beckwith
Opening Reception February 10
- 5p - 8p
- Opening Reception