- Aug 07 - 29 2015
- Expired!
- All Day
Dawn Tekler explores the industrial scarred landscapes of Cleveland to the powerful but serene oceans, lakes and seas. Encaustic wax, oil paint, and other elements are utilized to convey the raw energy and forces created by nature. Through layering, fusing and scraping the wax, atmospheres, textures and scapes are created to evoke emotions and tap into that inspiration only the ocean can give.

Blue Tempest
- Aug 07 - 29 2015
- Expired!
- All Day
Dawn Tekler explores the industrial scarred landscapes of Cleveland to the powerful but serene oceans, lakes and seas. Encaustic wax, oil paint, and other elements are utilized to convey the raw energy and forces created by nature. Through layering, fusing and scraping the wax, atmospheres, textures and scapes are created to evoke emotions and tap into that inspiration only the ocean can give.
Dawn Tekler