- Feb 08 2019 - Mar 01 2019
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There is a long, close relationship between landscape and abstraction in modern painting. Landscape can be simultaneously intellectual and formal as well as intuitive and emotional. Land, sky, and water all lend themselves easily to the visual language of abstraction whether through a systematic exploration of composition, or an emotional expression of color and surface. Tina Elkins and Patty Flauto use landscape as a metaphor for other ideas.
- Feb 08 2019 - Mar 01 2019
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There is a long, close relationship between landscape and abstraction in modern painting. Landscape can be simultaneously intellectual and formal as well as intuitive and emotional. Land, sky, and water all lend themselves easily to the visual language of abstraction whether through a systematic exploration of composition, or an emotional expression of color and surface. Tina Elkins and Patty Flauto use landscape as a metaphor for other ideas.
Patty Flauto
Tina Elkins