- Jan 13 2023 - Feb 04 2023
- Expired!
Jason Milburn’s work involves the debate of existentialism and memory; how we are versus who we were. These figure and narrative-based works show people interacting with each other while making decisions based on their environment. Milburn uses models and photo reference to produce drawings rendered in ballpoint pen and ink wash. A compromise of image is created as these images are broken down during the printmaking process. The people in the work are amalgamations that create a cohesive experience that seems strange and familiar.
Jason Milburn: Rafts
- Jan 13 2023 - Feb 04 2023
- Expired!
Jason Milburn’s work involves the debate of existentialism and memory; how we are versus who we were. These figure and narrative-based works show people interacting with each other while making decisions based on their environment. Milburn uses models and photo reference to produce drawings rendered in ballpoint pen and ink wash. A compromise of image is created as these images are broken down during the printmaking process. The people in the work are amalgamations that create a cohesive experience that seems strange and familiar.
Opening Reception January 13
- 5p - 8p
- Opening Reception